Parent/Student Handbook- updated 8/26/14

Ms. Hewitt’s Fourth Grade Class
Student/Parent Handbook

My Email:

Fourth Grade Behavior Management Policy

Westlake Charter School Rules

o   Be respectful
o   Be responsible
o   Be safe

Classroom Norms will be created by students, and may vary slightly by classroom.

Logical Consequences
Discipline is a learning tool, rather than a punitive measure.  The idea is to move children to intrinsically internalize responsibility. (Dr. Marvin Marshall)  Therefore, when students choose not to follow classroom norms, students receive a logical consequence for their actions.  All consequences are realistic, related to the infraction and respectful of those involved.  Repeated infractions may result in parent contact, referral to another classroom or office, and/or detention when school policy indicates.

4th Grade Homework Policy

Why We Assign Homework:
We believe that homework is essential because it reinforces what has be learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons/activities, helps students to develop positive study habits, allows students to work with and engage their families, and teaches students responsibility.

When We Assign Homework:
Homework will be assigned Monday Friday.  Friday homework would typically only consist of completing unfinished classwork, completion of long-term projects at family’s discretion or reviewing for a test. All of the assignments should not take any more than 45 minutes to 1 hour in addition to 30 minutes of reading at home.  If this is taking longer, notify the teacher right away.  When there are tests to study for, or projects to complete, the estimated length of time for homework will increase.  Students will have notice to study for upcoming tests. For all major projects, timelines will be given for students so nothing is left to the last minute.

Students’ Homework Responsibilities:
Homework is to be completed with each student’s best effort.  Neatness is required on all assignments, which includes not only handwriting, but also paper that is not wrinkled or ripped.  Students are to do their work on their own and only ask for help after they have given their best effort.  All assignments are to be handed in on time. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up, complete, and turn in missed assignments. Students are required to write down assignments in their agendas on a daily basis.

Teacher’s Homework Responsibilities:
Homework will be checked every day in a variety of ways.  We may choose to check homework as a class, check work in partners or small groups, or collected for teachers to correct.  Homework completion will frequently be recorded in Engrade.

Parents’ Homework Responsibilities:
Parents play an important role in making homework a positive experience for their children.  The ways that you can help support this positive experience are by making homework a priority, providing necessary supplies and a quiet work place, setting a daily homework time, giving praise and support, and not letting children avoid homework. In addition to this, it is important that parents frequently monitor Engrade for students’ progress in homework and classwork.  Please contact the teacher right away if you notice any issues or problems.  If there has been difficulty in completing homework, please send a note in with your child that morning.

If Students Do Not Complete Classwork or Homework:
If students choose not to do an assignment, they will be given a “pink slip” which communicates the details of the missing assignment and/or classroom materials for parents to sign and students to return.  If the “pink slip” is not returned the following day, the student will phone parents the next day to communicate about the missing assignment/materials.  In addition to this communication, students may miss recess time while finishing the assignment. If the student has trouble with an assignment, contact the teacher as soon as possible or send a note in with your child. It is expected that homework will be turned in on the assigned due date.  Points will be deducted for each day the assignment is missing. It will be up to the student to remember to hand in the late assignment the next day. Assignments will not be accepted after three days late. In addition, detention will be assigned for 2 missing homework assignments within a week, per school policy. If a student consistently fails to do their homework it may affect future Field Lessons or events we may attend.
Weekly Homework will include:
1.  Reading 30 minutes per night
2.  Studying weekly spelling/vocabulary words on
3.  Completing math homework assignments and assigned IXL strands
4.  Occasionally, long-term assignments will be given
5.  Any incomplete classroom assignments

Student Agendas
Homework/Parent Correspondence Folder

Keeping all papers in an organized folder ensures that students are ready for each day’s work and that no papers get lost.  It also teaches students the organizational skills that will help them in your future.

Parent Tip!  Please DO NOT remove student work from the homework folder without consulting your child.  Allowing your child to own this responsibility ensures that “in progress” work is not accidentally thrown away and teaches students to discern which assignments are to be kept, filed, or discarded.

1.  Every student will receive a binder with their student agenda and a blue homework/parent correspondence folder.

2.  Agendas will be filled out at the end of each day with homework/project assignments and due dates.

3.  All homework pages and parent correspondence will be placed in the blue folder for parents to check on a nightly basis. 

Communication & Class Newsletters

I check my email before and after school but it may be 24 hours before I can respond.  I like to send home an email Newsletter every other week so that families can keep up with what is going on in our classroom. If you have a particular circumstance that you need convey to me (child may not be feeling well, next day dr. appointment, have child go to BASE, etc., please do drop me an email).  If you have to notify me of something on short notice, please call the office as I may not see your email in time.  I may or may not be able to chat before or after school depending on my responsibilities to the students but I do want to be sure to connect with you.  If you’d like to meet, please email me so we may set up a time.

Progress Reports
Parents should sign and return the progress reports so I know you’ve seen them. 
But more important than these mid-trimester progress updates, parents should frequently check Engrade to gain “real-time” understanding of student progress.
We will conduct parent teacher conferences together twice this year. 

4th Grade Explorers on the Web

Our classes have a home on the Internet and we have a class website. Students will also spend time using our mobile computer lab and ipads where they will work on in-class projects, activities, and assignments.

My website will have a variety of pages to check out and have projects and directions.


Binders: Students will be assigned a “Super Magnetic Binder” that contains their homework folder, math notes and agenda.  Please see the agenda every day.  Students will be responsible for bringing their binder home and to school each day.  This is very important!

Attendance & Illnesses

Regular school attendance is critical to the learning process. Our school day officially starts at 8:15 a.m.  Please have students arrive no later than 8:15 am for morning line-up. 

When your child is absent or tardy, he or she misses valuable instructional time.  Please notify the office whenever your child is absent.  State law requires us to code each absence as lawful or unlawful. Lawful absences include illness and doctor’s appointments. Unlawful absences include out-of-town trips, missing their ride, and family vacations. Students will be responsible for completing work missed while absent.

Even though the district has strict attendance policies, it’s important to keep your child home if he or she is sick. The policy states that a child must be free of fever and/or vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you for understanding.

Our school motto is “Every student, every day.” J

Independent Study Packets:  Please see the Westlake Charter School Handbook for information on how and when they can be requested.  All requests must be made through the office and with five days notice.

Parent Volunteers

In an effort to make our students as independent as possible, parent volunteers assisting in the academic process will vary.  I hope to have 1-2 regular parents that might help with Guided Reading or Guided Math.  I will send email notices out as the needs arise throughout the year. There is always a need for parents to help out with fundraising, copy room work, at home projects such as typing and printing student work, help with book orders and these are the most helpful ways to earn parent hours.

Field Lessons
In 4th grade we do not take field trips, we take field lessons. We want to ensure that any time we leave the Westlake Charter School campus we are always learning and challenging our students. 

Specialty Classes include Art once every other week on Wednesday, Spanish on Mondays and Thursdays, and P.E. on Mondays and Fridays.  Please be sure to wear tennis shoes on P.E. days.

Mid-morning Snacks & Water Consumption

We have found it beneficial for the class to have a mid-morning healthy snack. This year our lunch is at 11:40 am. to 12:30 p.m. so everyone really needs to bring a snack. Our snack time will usually be 10 a.m. each day.  Only send enough for one day, and please don’t send snacks that need to be refrigerated or heated up.  Please do not send in sweet or sticky items like cake, brownies, frosted cookies, or cupcakes. We also permit our students to bring a water bottle to school every day.  Plain water is the only beverage permitted, and the bottle must have a secure lid. Water bottles should be taken home regularly to be cleaned.

Birthdays:  We love to celebrate birthdays.   Please feel free to bring in donuts, cupcakes or your child’s treat of choice for 30.  If your student does not celebrate birthdays, please let us know.  We have a student in our classroom with a peanut allergy.  Please make certain that all treats for our classroom have no exposure to tree nuts of any kind.  Thank you!


While students will receive three Report Cards this year based on the 1-2-3 grading system, grades this year will be kept as A, B, C, D Grades in grade books and will be seen on progress reports based on:

90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
61-69% = D
50% and lower = F

Bottom Line…Tips for Success in 4th Grade!

·      Practice math facts routinely until proficient
·      Check Engrade often for grades and progress monitoring
·      Read.  Read.  Read.  Read.  Read. NOTHING is more predictive of a child’s success than the amount they read.
·      Be at school and on time EVERY DAY
·      Check agenda NIGHTLY- deadlines are closer than they appear

Ms. Hewitt’s Fourth Grade Student Handbook
Please return this page to Ms. Hewitt and keep the handbook in your Super Magnetic Binder

I have read and understand the information in this Student Information Packet and I will take responsibility for my actions, behavior, and work.

Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______________

I have reviewed and discussed the Student Information Packet with my child.

Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ______________