Weekly Homework

Weekly Homework consists of the following:

1. Read: 30 minutes Minimum!  
Parents please listen to your child read, read with them, and/or ask them questions about what they are reading. 

Sometimes the reading will be from their literature circle books while a majority of time they will be reading from their own silent reading book to earn Accelerated Reader Points. 

Use the following websites to find books at your child's lexile/ level/range:
2. 15 minutes nightly Spelling and Vocabulary: Go http://www.spellingcity.com/khewitt11/ for the weekly lists.You should study your spelling and vocabulary words using this great teaching resource. SpellingCity makes learning your word lists fun and easy.Each week you are to take the pre-test, complete activities, then take the test Friday morning in class. 

3. Math: Students will be assigned math homework Monday - Thursday but will be given class time to start working on it. 

  • Homework Pages 
  • iXl expectations
-20 minutes a night is highly recommended, however I understand some families are not able to access the internet every night or have computer access. Students should AT LEAST be able to accumulate an hour worth of time at home. Weekly ixl assignments are given that link to the standard they are working towards in class for the week. 

4. Kidblog- Respond to post. Will be given class time. 

5.Project: Plan and work on at home projects. Teach children how to not procrastinate and stay organized. 

6. Incomplete/Unfinished Classwork becomes homework.